Dykon blasted 170,539 feet of rock (32.3 miles) for this 80-mile spread. 948,025 pounds of dynamite was used in under 3 months!

Dykon Blasting


The Enterprise M2E3 project consisted of 600 miles of 36-inch pipe.  The contractor was awarded the rockiest and toughest spread of the project consisting of 80 miles. They hired Dykon to help them get through the tough rock and maintain the aggressive completion schedule.  Dykon developed a site-specific blasting plan that allowed its crews to drill and blast over 170,000 feet of trench rock while paralleling existing in-service lines at 30 feet and less.   An aggressive time frame for project completion required Dykon to operate 22 John Henry drills and complete the blasting in just under 3 months.

Linear Feet of Rock
Pounds of Dynamite